Complete XSLTAbstract XSLT provides many features for template-based processing of XML documents. These features allow highly sophisticated output to be produced. In this tutorial you will learn about all of the features of XSLT and techniques in producing various results using XSLT. Participants will gain hands-on experience in writing XPath location paths, developing applications to process XML documents, construct XML documents and transform data into alternative vocabularies. Duration. 3 day hands-on tutorial Intended Audience. This tutorial would best suit Web designers and application designers who wish to process XML content using XSLT. Prerequisites. For a participant to get the most from this tutorial, it is essential to possess the following knowledge or experience:
It would be an advantage to possess the following knowledge or experience:
Course Content:
Day 1 Session Time: 0900 - 1230 Practical Session : 0945 - 1030 Morning Tea : 1030 - 1100 Practical Session : 1145 - 1230 Day 1 Session Time: 1330 - 1700 Practical Session : 1430 - 1515 Afternoon Tea : 1515 - 1530 Practical Session : 1615 - 1700 Day 2 Session Time: 0900 - 1230 Morning Tea : 1000 - 1030 Practical Session : 1030 - 1130 Day 2 Session Time: 1330 - 1700 Practical Session : 1330 - 1430 Afternoon Tea : 1530 - 1600 Practical Session : 1600 - 1700 Day 3 Session Time: 0900 - 1230 Morning Tea : 1030 - 1045 Practical Session : 1130 - 1230 Day 3 Session Time: 1330 - 1700 Morning Tea : 1430 - 1445 Practical Session : 1445 - 1530 Practical Session : 1600 - 1700 |
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